Fallout shelter pc updates 2018
Fallout shelter pc updates 2018

fallout shelter pc updates 2018 fallout shelter pc updates 2018

There’s not a “Main” story to this game, but once you unlock Quests, you do have a very Fallout-esque feel to the Quest Chains. As the Overseer, your task is to recruit people to live in your vault and keep the vault running by running power generators, creating weapons for defending your home, and expanding to make it a good place to live. The story of Shelter is that you are the Overseer of one of the many Vaults built to shield humanity from going extinct during a Nuclear War. So, without further delay, here is my review of Fallout Shelter for the Nintendo Switch! Story Bethesda thought to expand its Vault-sim past Mobile, PC, and Xbox One and bring it for PlayStation 4 fans as well as Nintendo Switch fans. At least, outside of PC handhelds like the GPD WIn / Win 2. After some false rumors dropped a few weeks before E3 about a supposed Fallout 3: Anniversary Edition, people were hoping to get some nice, fps, Fallout action on the go. Fallout has come to the Switch, but it isn’t what many people had expected it to be.

Fallout shelter pc updates 2018